In a heart-stopping incident during a Lohri celebration in a village near Amritsar, a family had a miraculous escape when a sudden blast occurred in the midst of their festivities. Thankfully, all family members were saved from harm.
The individual seated next to the fire at the time of the incident provided insights, explaining that the blast occurred due to heat pressure. The family had fired the wood directly on the cemented floor without the use of any sand as a protective measure.
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The incident
In the village of Cheena Karam Singh near Amritsar, during the celebration of Lohri, a sudden blast occurred as a family was enjoying the festivities around their bonfire at home. Family members and children were seated around the bonfire when the unexpected blast took place. While there were no reported injuries, the family’s clothing was singed.
Jaswinder Singh Cheena, providing information, stated that during the Lohri celebration, he and his family were sitting around the bonfire when an unexpected blast occurred. The blast affected both him and his family members seated around the bonfire. Though there were no reported injuries, their clothing was singed. He emphasized the need to always exercise caution during bonfire celebrations, whether in the courtyard, on tiles, or on carpets. If bonfires are lit, it is advisable to spread sand or soil underneath to prevent mishaps. Cheena stressed the importance of maintaining safety measures while partaking in such festivities.
What is Lohri?
Lohri, a vibrant and joyous festival predominantly celebrated in North India, holds cultural significance as a marker of the winter solstice. Observed on the eve of Makar Sankranti, families and communities gather around bonfires, singing traditional folk songs and performing energetic bhangra and gidda dances. The festival marks the end of winter and the beginning of longer days. Special prayers are offered to the Sun God, and people exchange sweets, rewari, and sesame seeds, symbolizing prosperity and warmth. Lohri is a time of togetherness, reflection, and gratitude, fostering a sense of unity and celebration among diverse communities.