Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi will visit his parliamentary constituency Wayanad on Saturday for the first time after getting reinstated as a Lok Sabha MP. Rahul Gandhi’s Lok Sabha membership was restored on 4 August after which he was free to attend Parliament sessions. Supreme Court had stayed Rahul Gandhi’s conviction in defamation case linked to Modi surname remarks and subsequently his membership was restored.
Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee Working President VT Siddique had confirmed on Tuesday that Rahul Gandhi will visit Kerala’s Wayanad on 12 August. Speaking to ANI, Siddique said “Rahul Gandhi will be coming to Wayanad on August 12. We are going to arrange a warm reception for him and the preparations have already started. There is a district Congress Committee meeting tomorrow. Rahul Gandhi will be present for it on August 12 and 13”.
“There will be a very warm welcome ever hand in the history of Wayanad for Rahul Gandhi,” the Kerala Congress leader added.
Will Rahul Gandhi get his Tughlaq Lane bungalow back?
Reportedly, Rahul Gandhi has been re-alloted the 12, Tughlaq Lane bungalow, as per party sources quoted by ANI.
“Rahul Gandhi has got an official confirmation from the Estate office for the allotment of a bungalow to him as an MP in Delhi,” ANI quoted Congress sources as saying.
After Rahul Gandhi, was disqualified from Lok Sabha following his conviction in a defamation case, was asked to vacate the 12, Tughlaq Lane bungalow earlier in April this year.
“I have no problem even if it has been snatched away from me. This house was given to me by the people of India. I will stay with the former Congress president (Sonia Gandhi) at 10, Janpath for some time and then find some other way” Rahul Gandhi had said in April this year.
According to the rules, a Member of Parliament is entitled to avail a bungalow without payment of charges to the supply of water upto 400kl per annum and electricity upto 50,000 units. The allotment of residence is made by the Accommodation Sub-Commitee of the House of Lok Sabha.
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Updated: 12 Aug 2023, 08:03 AM IST