Mumbai: The sessions court recently convicted a woman and sentenced her to two years imprisonment for assaulting her mother-in-law as the latter refused to sign blank papers after the death of the convict’s husband. The complainant claimed that the daughter-in-law wanted to get all the properties transferred in her name.
The court also directed her to pay a fine of ₹5000. However, the court granted bail to the convict, Mariamma, to allow her to challenge the order before the high court.
Mariamma was arrested on February 6, 2015, on the complaint of her mother-in-law Chinnama Chinaswami Devendra. Mariamma is the widow of Rajendra, the son of Chinnama.
Dispute over share in the house
After Rajendra’s death, there was a dispute between the accused and informant regarding share in the house owned by the informant. Mariamma had also filed several cases and complaints of domestic violence against Chinnama and other family members.
Chinnama had claimed that on February 4, 2019, at 10 am, Mariamma came to her house and asked her to sign blank stamp papers to get the house transferred in her name. As Chinnama refused to sign those papers, there was a scuffle between the two wherein Mariamma attacked Chinnama with sickle and cricket stumps and she fell unconscious. After some time, the son and daughters of the informant came on the spot and took her to hospital. A complaint was lodged on February 5, 2019.
Prosecution examines two eye witnesses
The prosecution examined two eye witnesses – one son of the complainant, and a priest of a nearby temple, who corroborated the version of Chinnama. Besides, medical evidence proved that Chinnama had sustained severe injuries. Based on the evidence, the court held Mariamma guilty of attempt to murder.
After convicting Mariamma the court refused to release her on probation citing that though the accused is not having any criminal antecedent, the act of assault by her on her mother-in-law in such manner does not entitle her benefit of probation.