Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A man working at a known local saree showroom allegedly committed suicide at his house in Chowk Bazaar on Saturday late night, the police said. Preliminary investigation suggest that he was suffering from depression after divorce. Hence, he took the extreme step. Kotwali police station house officer (SHO) Mohammad Aftab Khan said deceased Mohit Kumar Sharma (35) had been married for 10 years and was divorced three years back due to frequent arguments with his wife. The couple has a seven-year-old son.
After the divorce, Sharma had become an alcohol addict and had stopped going to work. His father told the police that on Saturday late night, Sharma came home and went straight to his room. He was drunk. On Sunday morning, when his father went to his room to check in on him and wake him up, he found him hanging from the ceiling of the room. He had hanged himself with the help of a belt. His father informed the police, who rushed to the spot and brought his body down. No suicide note was recovered.
Class 10 student kills self
A 17-year-old girl who allegedly consumed poison at her house in Kolar died during treatment at a hospital on Saturday late night, the police said. The reason behind suicide has not been ascertained. Kolar police station TI Ashutosh Upadhyay said deceased Deepmala who lost her parents lived with her maternal grandparents. She was a student of Class 10.
When her condition began to deteriorate after consuming poison, she told her kin that she had consumed poison. According to TI Upadhyay, the girl belonged to a lower middle class family, which did not have money for cremation. Her last rites were performed with financial assistance provided by neighbours. Police investigation is on.