After creating a stir at the box office with her chemistry alongside Ranbir Kapoor in Animal, Rashmika Mandanna is all set for her next Hindi release with Vicky Kaushal. And it seems like they have bonded quite well on the sets of their films. This long chat between them on their Instagram account is a big proof. Rashmika who is slowly and steadily making her mark as an actress in Bollywood took her Instagram stories and thanked Vicky Kaushal and the entire Laxman Utekar’s Chhaava team for being so generous towards her.
Addressing Vicky as Maharaj, Rashmika pens down a note for him after wrapping Chhaava, ” Maharaj it’s been such a pleasure working with you. You are just tooooo warm and kind (expect for the last day where you were just taking my case.. but most days you were amazing.. I am kidding. you are such a gem.. I will always wish the best for you man. Was such a pleasure.. mom has told me to convey regards to you.”.
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After she shared the long note, Vicky shared her Instagram stories on his story and mentioned to Rashmika how everyone already missed her on the sets and praised her beautiful smile. “The whole set is missing your warmth and energy immensely. People don’t know that the smile you have on your worst days is bigger and better than the smile most have on their best days. Major inspiration! Thank you for being our Yesubai… and my regrds to Aunty as well. Oh and btw… what are you thinking now?”.
Vicky and Rashmika’s chemistry is indeed the most awaited one to witness on the big screen. Especially seeing them bond so well. Apart from Chhaava, Vicky Kaushal has signed Sanjay Leela Bhansali‘s Love and War along with Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. Rashmika will also be seen in Pushpa 2 with South sensation and National Award winner Allu Arjun.
Watch the video of Rashmika Mandanna.
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