Tamil movie ‘Iraivan,’ featuring Jayam Ravi and Nayanthara in the lead roles, is set to release on Netflix. Viewers can stream this psycho-thriller film starting from October 26. The movie boasts an impressive ensemble cast, including Vinoth Kishan, Rahul Bose, Vijayalakshmi, Narain, Ashish Vidyarthi, Aiswarya Suresh, Charle, Ashwin Kumar, Azhagam Perumal, Bagavathi Perumal, Kumar Natarajan, George Vijay, Uday Mahesh, Badava Gopi, and Aazhiya in supporting roles. Read our review here.
Iraivan has garnered a varied response from the audience since its release. This film signifies Jayam Ravi’s comeback to the screen following his iconic role in Mani Ratnam’s ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ and reunites him with Nayanthara, his co-star from the successful ‘Thani Oruvan’. The movie’s core story revolves around a psychopathic criminal’s method of killing his victims and the determined efforts of officers Arjun (Jayam Ravi) and Andrew (Narain) to capture this merciless murderer.