Elvish Yadav and Munawar Faruqui fans have the most intense fan war on social media. Both of them are immensely popular with their digital content on various platforms. Yesterday, a video went viral where Munawar Faruqui was seen coming out of a restaurant in Mohammad Ali Road, Mumbai. As we know, many Mumbaikars frequent the restaurants there during Eid. We could see that two groups were fighting, and reports said that Munawar Faruqui was pelted with eggs. It seems there were two competing restaurants, and one group began fighting after seeing him at the place of a rival business owner.
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Munawar Faruqui clarifies on the viral video
Munawar Faruqui said that he did not get beaten up. He said that no one threw eggs at him. He said there was some existing competition/rivalry between the two places and things got heated. Munawar Faruqui did a special Eid live with all his fans.
#MunawarFaruqui clarification on recent fight of shopkeepers invloving himpic.twitter.com/N51YtM54Ia
— The Khabri (@TheKhabriTweets) April 11, 2024
The past few days have been full of news about Munawar Faruqui. Few days back, he was apparently questioned by the cops after being found in a hookah place where people sold tobacco hookahs.
Elvish Yadav reacts on this latest Munawar Faruqui incident
#ElvishYadav reaction on the news related to #MunawarFaruqui being thrown eggspic.twitter.com/iLh0cXRY98
— The Khabri (@TheKhabriTweets) April 11, 2024
Elvish Yadav said that this was not a time to troll Munawar Faruqui. He said that a person fells very alone and helpless when something of this sort happens. He said thankfully he never faced such a situation in his life. Elvish Yadav said that he was grateful to his millions of followers for their constant support in his life.
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