Animal movie starring Ranbir Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Rashmika Mandanna, Anil Kapoor, Triptii Dimri has turned out to be the one of the biggest hits of the year. The movie that is helmed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga is a revenge saga revolving around the bond of a father and son. While Animal is minting massive money at the box office, the movie has also received major criticism from all corners. Now, everyone’s waiting for Animal’s OTT release. It is expected that the film will release on Netflix. Recent buzz had it that Animal’s uncut version including Ranbir Kapoor and Bobby Deol’s kiss with make it to Netflix.
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In a recent interview with The Quint, Bobby Deol revealed that the climax scene of Animal was to have a kiss between him and Ranbir Kapoor. However, director Sandeep Reddy Vanga removed the scene from the final cut of the movie. The actor said that the kiss may feature in the OTT version of the film when it makes it to Netflix. But well, here comes a sad news for fans. That may not happen. OTT giant Netflix has decided to only feature the Censor Board approved versions of Bollywood films. No uncut or uncensored versions of any film will release on Netflix. So does this mean that Animal’s uncut version will also not release on Netflix?
BREAKING: Netflix to stream Indian films as censored by CBFC going forward. No more uncut or uncensored versions of Indian Films will be made available globally.
— LetsCinema (@letscinema) December 17, 2023
Check out Animal public review below:
All about Bobby Deol and Ranbir Kapoor’s kissing scene in Animal
Bobby Deol in the interview revealed how Sandeep Reddy Vanga explained the whole scene to him. Bobby Deol said, “There are these two brothers, they want to kill each other, but there’s a love that they have for each other. I’m going to shoot a climax sequence with a song playing in the background, which is about love’… He said, ‘You’re fighting, and you suddenly kiss him, and then you don’t give up, and he kills you’. But he removed the kiss.” It is expected that Animal may release in January 2024 on OTT.
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