On Saturday morning, veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty was rushed to the hospital in Kolkata. He had reportedly complained of chest pain and uneasiness. It was a huge shock for fans who were worried. But later, his son, Mimoh Chakraborty said that it was just a routine checkup and his father is fine. The spokesperson from the hospital where the veteran actor was taken shared that underwent an MRI and other tests. It was also being reported that Mithun Chakraborty is under the supervision of a neuro medicine specialist. He was taken to the Apollo hospital in Kolkata.
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Mithun Chakraborty diagnosed with Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)
Now, the Apollo hospital has issued a statement about Mithun Chakraborty’s health. They informed the media that the veteran actor has been diagnosed with Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) of the brain. However, he is fully conscious, well-oriented.
The statement of the Apollo hospitals read, “Shri Mithun Chakraborty (73), National Award-winning actor, was brought to the Emergency Department of Apollo Multispeciality Hospitals, Kolkata, around 9.40 am with complaints of weakness in the right upper and lower limbs. Necessary laboratory and radiology investigations were carried out including an MRI of the brain. He has been diagnosed with an Ischemic Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke) of the brain. Presently, he is fully conscious, well-oriented and has consumed soft diet. Shri Chakraborty is being further evaluated by a team of doctors including a neuro-physician, cardiologist and a gastroenterologist.”
Well, we hope he recovers soon and is back to work and entertain his fans with his performances. Mithun Chakraborty was honoured with the Padma Bhushan award in January 2024. He had shared a video after his big win on his son, Namashi’s social media handle that he cannot express his feelings as after a lot of struggle and hard work he has finally received such an honour.
Watch a video of Mithun Chakraborty’s son Namashi
He has been in the film industry since 1976 and has done so many amazing movies. We wish for the speedy recovery of our veteran actor.
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